
Group exhibition at the Law School of the University of San Francisco by mirena

Couple of my still life photographs were selected for the show on view Jan 8th till mid May, at University of San Francisco Law School, curated by Saiko Matsumaru. it really is appropriate to call this still life although I do not seek this genre on purpose, it rather becomes what it needs to be. Both pieces will be 30 wide x 20 inches tall.  I have very few "still life" pieces but the ones I did are of special objects that carry a lot of meaning for me, almost in a karmic way. Both pieces have total of 5 objects in them but the objects cover a wide range of my experiences, and I brought the objects to my studio from distances ranging from half a mile to 6000 miles ( the tea cup ). The flowers are currently floating somewhere in the pacific ocean - I bought them at Dia De Los Muertos for my grandfather and dropped them off the Golden Gate with one of my drawings attached as a makeshift chute.

The cup always seems to strike people the most, but if it was just the cup, it would have been too mundane. The parking ticket on the other hand provides the "rage" plane that lifts the cup from the mundane and into the iconic plane. These are just some after thoughts... at the time I was mildly dismayed but much more excited about the color at play.

"Inspired by the color Red", 30x40 inches archival print

"Objects found in my Car", 30x40 inches archival print

I was chosen for ArtSpan's Selections 2010 by mirena

Selections 2010, ArtSpan's prestigious biennial juried exhibition will feature 20 SF Open Studios artists at California Modern Gallery, 1035 Market Street, in January. Selections 2010 will be juried by artist Ray Beldner, author and arts writer Alison Bing, and director of California Modern Gallery Inga Fischer. Exhibition Opening Reception: Thursday, January 14, 2010 (free and open to the public). Exhibition Dates: January 7 - 22, 2010. It's still very interesting to me.. when I draw and when I go around taking photographs, my body and my energy are at very different levels, I feel as if I jump to and from quantum-like states going from one activity to the other. Drawing is very still and I feel perfect calm and I understand all, and everything in the universe makes sense. When I go out with my camera it's constant excitement and fascination, as if i see things for the very first time. I marvel at very tiny details or at very big details, and I try to understand the world and steal pieces of it via the lenses.

