Zero Art

Zero Art is a DIY Performance and Installation with found objects.

My idea for Zero Art came to me while I was cleaning the local park and seeing people carry doggie bags. I also saw people carrying garbage bags and randomly cleaning. It also was gradually developing on the back of my mind as I encounter piles of garbage on the sidewalks of Manhattan and thinking that lots of the garbage piles look like excellent unintended art installations. Artists have always dealt with found objects.

Zero Art aims at zero carbon footprint, zero slave labor, and impact on the environment. It is good for your body, apply your creativity to everyday objects.

Zero Art - DIY Performance and Installation with found objects

1 Grab a small degradable bag & glove (or a bag for a glove).

2 Head to the nearest park.

3 Start picking trash from the park, the lawns, everywhere.

4 Make a small installation with your found objects. Arrange it as you have seen in galleries. Frame shot.

5 Take a picture. It is going to be your Zero Art still life.

6 Share it and inspire others to do it.

7 Dispose of it - it is meant to be an ephemeral object, a Zero Art pile on the side of the road. You just did a Zero Art performance.