Wanted to share with you these amazing detailed photos of Tree of Life / by mirena

One of the most amazing things that happen when drawing is that there is this incredible surge of adrenaline, The Surge of adrenaline cannot be compared to any other activity, it's the high of a process. The reason drawing is special to me is because it's a very personal way of working you keep very close to the surface there is no distance whatsoever, the surface and you constantly exchange DNA due to the proximity. The fact that there is a lot of detail requires constant presence so there is no really coasting when making a drawing. I really like the  very personal way of working when I draw, in this manner without many words or any other Grand things I show my love for the world and  at the same time I protect myself from the world by building a perfect world, a world without blemish or strife, an eternal life. Tree of life, 30 x 40 inches, pen and ink on hot press board, 2018

Tree of life, 30 x 40 inches, pen and ink on hot press board, 2018 Tree of life, 30 x 40 inches, pen and ink on hot press board, 2018 Tree of life, 30 x 40 inches, pen and ink on hot press board, 2018 Tree of life, 30 x 40 inches, pen and ink on hot press board, 2018