The high art of Japanese interiors in Shogun / by Mirena Rhee

If there is high art - this is it.

I'm not going to discuss brutality here, and to be quite honest brutality does tarnish the beauty of art, I do not approve of it and it disgusts me. But because this is a television show I'm not going to give it the credibility to deserve some sort of philosophical discussion.

I'm also not going to discuss certain things that I've read about, certain problems that Japan has now in modernity as well as in the past. This is going to be a simple post about what I get high on, looking at it I get an adrenaline rush and tears in my eyes. I get very very emotional which is completely irrational and magical.

From the first moment I laid my eyes on Japanese gardens in a book 30 years ago I was madly in love with something that I cannot explain, that is just only from Japan. The most beautiful rooms I've ever been in in my life are rooms in Japan.

This is the beauty that in my mind I imagine as the perfect most high art in interior decoration. If I were to design the perfect room in some perfect world where I'd like to dwell, this is pretty much it.

The above screens are from the most recent show Shogun.

After seeing this the word couch sounds obscene.

I imagine working on a smooth wooden floor with a big fat brush.