The Fourth Reich - the proliferation of social media videos where tech bras finger point at homeless people. A disgrace for the human race. / by Mirena Rhee

The proliferation of social media videos where tech bras finger point at homeless people. A disgrace for the human race.

I know exactly what I'm talking about because I spent 10 years in Silicon Valley and still worship the brains that operate and create in silicon valley.

Why these perfect smart human beings have become the Fourth Reich?

The only reason for this in my opinion is the isolationist nature of the California car culture. If you are in the car and only interface with its interior rather than human beings you become a creature who sees the world through the windshield.

Take a fucking walk.

Every time I see a tech bra point a finger at a homeless person, I'm like they've become so attached to the algorithm that they can't see the forest for the trees. Glutton for a GPU.

And I'm reminded why poverty is rampant in Oakland and East Palo Alto. Because the tech bras don't want to face their humanity and mortality. So they point to it and giggle.

I call this the Fourth Reich.